About Me

- Jee Chew
- Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- My hero, Superman. Want to be just like him, save the world, beginning with improving myself constantly!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Discover the Superhero inside You
I was watching this Chinese TV show, 非诚勿扰 (check it out on their official site: http://fcwr.jstv.com/) last night and felt very strongly about something.
I began watching just about a week ago and the way they arranged the show mesmerised me. I love the twist and turn in the show. I love the opportunity to observe human behaviour in the show, very interesting for my line of work.
I then found out that the show began early this year, so I managed to find and watched the first episode. I dare say if I began watching from this first episode, I would definitely not be attracted at all. The pace was different, when to slow down to create suspense and when to speed up to get things going and keep things exciting. Generally, I noticed many details different.
The first thing that came to my mind was this. They tweaked uncountable minor details in the show to make it really interesting in a very short time. I guess this is due to the incredible pressure and competition in the China market.
I then reflected on my life and I realised something. For the past few years being a trainer, I have been changing little by little, becoming the person I want to be. Sometimes, we may not be able to do drastic changes, due to time constraint or lacking of resources. But I told myself this, no matter what happens, I must always work on at least 1 thing I wish to change and improve all the time!
The world is changing constantly. Our environment is changing constantly. If we don't change, we become outdated, expired and ultimately useless to the world. I believe we are all here for a purpose. So find your purpose like I have, and start making those little changes. You will then Discover the Superhero inside You.
are u positioning yourself to be a motivational speaker one day? interesting posts u've got here!
Well, my belief is that anyone can be a motivational speaker. Because I often get motivated listening to others and getting ideas everywhere.
My aim is really to share some of these ideas and hopefully, help someone in some ways.
Hope you've found something interesting here.
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